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2023 Season Availability
Keep an eye out for the 2023 HRE Brochure hitting your doorstep or mailbox and if you don’t receive the physical brochure we are including the virtual link below.
You can check out our availability for 2023 below and book through the links on this emails or give us a call if you have any questions about a trip!
Finally, we are having a HUGE Holiday Sale at the Hughes Store! Everything in the store is on HUGE Hughes Holiday Discount as much as up to 60% off through January 1st, 2023! Don’t miss out!
Main Salmon River of No Return
June 16-20++ |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
15+ Seats |
June 24-29++ |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
15+ Seats |
July 2-7* |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
13 Seats |
July 10-15 |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
8 Seats |
July 18-23 |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
3 Seats |
July 26-31+ |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
15+ Seats |
August 3-8 |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
August 11-16** |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
15+ Seats |
August 19-24++ |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
15+ Seats |
August 27-September 1++ |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
15+ Seats |
September 4-9+++ |
6 Days |
$2,600 |
$2,475 |
15+ Seats |
Specialty Trips
* = Fourth of July Celebration on the Main Salmon River
** = Preseids Meteor Shower on the Main Salmon River
Charter Trips
+++ = Trips with availability for a Charter Trip for your Groups Exclusivity with 12 or more
++ = Trips with availability for a Charter Trip for your Groups Exclusivity with 16 or more.
+ = Trips with availability for a Charter Trip for your Groups Exclusivity with 21 or more.
Trips prior to June 20 and after September 10 can be booked upon request. We can do Cast & Blast trips for Chukar Partridge & Forest Grouse after September 20. Inquire with the office about dates.
Cast & Blast Trips
6 Day Fishing Boat: $3,400/Angler-Hunter ($6,800/Boat)
Call the office for more information at 406-540-4450 or email [email protected].
Middle Fork of Salmon River
June 4-8+ * |
5 Days |
$2,885 |
$2,725 |
15+ Seats |
June 13-18 ** |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
7 Seats |
June 22-27 |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
June 30-July 5 |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
July 8-13 |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
July 16-21 |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
July 24-29 |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
3 Seats |
August 1-6 |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
August 9-14 |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
3 Seats |
August 17-22 |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
August 25-29 |
5 Days |
$2,885 |
$2,725 |
2 Seats |
September 2-7 ^ |
6 Days |
$3,150 |
$2,995 |
September 11-16 ~ |
6 Days |
$3,960 |
$3,960 |
11 Seats |
September 20-25++ ~> |
6 Days |
$3,960 |
$3,960 |
16 Seats |
September 28-October 3++ ~> |
6 Days |
$3,960 |
$3,960 |
16 Seats |
Specialty Trips
* = Whitewater Special
** = Hot-springs & Hikers Special
^ = Annual Jazz Trip
~ = Prime Fly Fishing Season
> = Cast & Blast Opportunities
Charter Trips
+ = Trips with availability for a Charter Trip for your Groups Exclusivity with 16 or more.
++ = Trips with availability for a Charter Trip for your Groups Exclusivity with 8 or more Anglers.
5 Day Fishing Boat Price: $3,750/Angler ($7,500/Boat)
6 Day Fishing Boat Price: $3,960/Angler ($7,920/Boat)
We can do Cast & Blast trips for Chukar Partridge & Forest Grouse after September 20.
Call the office for more information at 406-540-4450 or email [email protected].
Salmon River Canyons
July 2-5* |
4 Days |
$1,885 |
$1,780 |
5 Seats |
June 7-11+ |
5 Days |
$2,220 |
$2,025 |
15+ Seats |
July 11-15+ |
5 Days |
$2,220 |
$2,025 |
15+ Seats |
July 19-23+ |
5 Days |
$2,220 |
$2,025 |
15+ Seats |
July 27-31+ ~ |
5 Days |
$2,220 |
$2,025 |
15+ Seats |
August 4-7+ ~ |
4 Days |
$1,885 |
$1,780 |
15+ Seats |
August 6-10 ~ |
5 Days |
$2,220 |
$2,025 |
August 11-15 ~** |
5 Days |
$2,220 |
$2,025 |
15+ Seats |
August 12-16+ ~** |
5 Days |
$2,220 |
$2,025 |
15+ Seats |
August 20-24+ ~ |
5 Days |
$2,220 |
$2,025 |
15+ Seats |
August 27-September 1+ ~ |
5 Days |
$2,220 |
$2,025 |
15+ Seats |
Specialty Trips
* = Fourth of July Celebration on the Salmon River Canyons
** = Preseids Meteor Shower on the Salmon River Canyons
~ = Prime Small Mouth Bass Fishing Season
Charter Trips
+ = Trips with availability for a Charter Trip for your Groups Exclusivity with 12 or more.
We can offer Cast & Blast trips for Chukar Partridge & Forest Grouse after September 20. Inquire with the office about dates.
Cast & Blast Trips
6 Day Fishing Boat: $3,150/Angler-Hunter ($6,500/Boat)
Call the office for more information at 406-540-4450 or email [email protected].
Selway River
Our Selway River Trips are currently full through 2025. Contact the office to be placed on a waitlist or for more information.
2023 Brochure
Keep and eye out! Our 2023 Brochure should be hitting doorsteps and mailboxes throughout the country this week! For a quick look at it you can check out our virtual brochure by following the link below!
Don’t miss out on these huge HRE Merchandise savings! Sweaters, Hats, Stickers, T-Shirts, Fishing Shirts, Everything in the Hughes Store is on massive discount up to as much as 60% off right now through the new years for amazing Holiday Savings! Follow the link below to buy your HRE Merch now!